Medical Training Therapy
Medical Training Therapy (MTT) is a treatment method within physiotherapy in which the physical activity of the patient and medically-based training under physiotherapeutic supervision are in the foreground, whereas passive treatment techniques play a minor role.
The patient is individually and personally supervised and receives his or her treatment and medical exercise program, always taking into account the current state of his or her clinical history, performance capacity, functional ability, wound healing phase, and resilience of injured or operated tissues. The specific training program is based on the foundations of human anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, always in close connection to the findings from sports medicine and training sciences.
Application. Contents & Goals.
Medical Training Therapy is mainly applied on the background of orthopedic overloads and traumatological damages, in conservative care to increase overall performance and support the prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, in preoperative care to prepare for upcoming surgeries, and in postoperative care to rehabilitate the patient with the assistance of a specific, functional training program to increase strength, endurance, coordination, and mobility. In this sense, it is also used for neurological diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, or after a stroke).
For internal medicine indications (e.g. after a heart attack), Medical Training Therapy is administered to strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is also an excellent method for general conditioning (e.g. in the case of overweight and/or lack of exercise). Besides, it contributes to the psychological stabilization of the patient by positively affecting and reducing stress or depressive conditions.
Prevention & Rehabilitation.
In Medical Training Therapy, physiotherapists create specific training programs adapted to the individual characteristics of their patients. Furthermore, they guide and motivate their patients to carry out their preventive or rehabilitative goals under the avoidance of overloads and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
The establishment of a medical training program always takes place after an in-depth medical history assessment and functional diagnosis, in which certain sports science and physiotherapeutic tests are carried out by the specialized physiotherapist. This assessment is the foundation to determine the current performance status of the patient. Additionally, the identification and consideration of existing deficits in terms of strength, agility, coordination, and endurance at an early stage makes training planning and control far more secure and efficient.
All data obtained in the initial diagnostic process are the prerequisite for the development of a specific medical training therapy, which will be - depending on the patient's progress - constantly adapted and expanded over time.